Data Strategy Adobe Analytics, GA4, Piwik Pro Consulting, NY

Data Strategy Planning Consulting

From business goals, discuss with stakeholders to determine the KPIs and best way to implement, technologies and tools

Establish strategies and tactics using macro and micro conversions

Detailed user journey funnels

Audience definition using filters and segments

Measurement strategy consulting service for Fortune 500 Companies and agencies

Analytics Documentation, Build BRDs and SDRs, Playbooks

Building business requirements documentation that will list how the analytics events and dimensions mapped to your implementation and site actions

Building and maintenance of complex solution design reference document listing the events and dimensions used in the implementation, how each is collecting data, where it is shown in reports etc.

We’ll take care of this with minimal supervision, just enough to get business context

Just Enough & Just In Time Data Approach

  • Focusing implementation effort in data that matters only, saving on implementation costs
  • Data strategy consultation on architecture, implementation, analysis and adoption of web analytics

Building relationships and working with vendors and other stakeholders

Contact Us

Indexable Analytics

447 Broadway
2nd Fl # 647
New York, NY 10013

Sr Analytics Consultant, Technical Architect

Rafael Sahagun - View Linkedin profile